Each of us are given a specific set of abilities and characteristics that are tools to help us accomplish our purpose in life. Some, we know about. Other traits are out of sight.
It takes our connection with the divine part of ourselves to activate these abilities to their full potential.
When we started out as a mote in God’s eye, we lived in the embrace of a great power. Depending upon personal spiritual inclinations, this force could be called God, Creator, Spirit, Source, Universe and so forth.
As a spirit fragment from Source or Creator, we embraced certain combinations of frequencies. These play out in our physical world by our soul’s drives and inclinations, our deepest motivations and personality.
As physical beings, we frequently forget about our connection to the Divine and think we are separate, individual and different from everyone else. While there is some truth to this, the bigger truth is that even though we seem separate, we are actually still part of the bigger whole. We embody the energies of Creator. We are the same energy. We are united with Creator and are Creator’s equal. We can do everything Creator can do and be everything Creator is. We are simply different expressions of the same energy. We are two sides of the same coin.
Think of it this way. When we leave the warm, loving and protective embrace of our ideal lover to go to work, we feel separate, alone and isolated. During the day, we often remember how good being in our lover’s embrace felt and yearn to return to it. If we get too wrapped up in the drama at work, we forget about our lover.
Our lives on Earth are sort of like that. We secretly yearn for the comfort of connection, for our cosmic home. Often, we don’t remember this connection, much less equate ourselves as equals to Creator. The truth is that we are Creator, that we have Creator within and we have a deep inner longing to remember this and reunite with our Source.
Creator is part of the fabric of our being. It is our connection with the Divine that powers our abilities and our life. Without this connection, we seek life force from others and that usually comes with strings attached. Without this connection, life loses meaning and purpose. We wonder why we are here and feel empty.
Remembering our connection to Creator brings life force energy, the wisdom and power to work through challenges and master our special abilities. This becomes a win-win for everyone. We live a happy, fulfilled and meaningful life and we bring the essence of the experiences back to the whole and expand Creator’s awareness.
Next time you are calm and relaxed, open yourself to the Divine, to Creator, Source or whatever you label the greater part of yourself. Imagine standing in the loving, warm and comfortable embrace of Creator. Allow this feeling to activate the Creator within and let this energy radiate out around you and into your environment.
Each of us has a specific way to activate Creator within. Some will feel the presence, other’s will think it and others will see this energy in the material things around themselves. You are designed to activate your connection in a way that is specific to you. If you would like to understand this process, I invite you to explore your true nature with a reading.
In the meantime, let the loving energy of Creator flow through.