Touching photos of young children from Syria that hold in their hands’ pictures with Pokemon Go characters, on which is inscribed the name and city of residence.
“I’m the Kafr Zeta, save me “, writes in the photo a cute little boy, while in the same style are almost all photos.
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Independent reports that the press office handling these photos is Rebel Forces of Syria, in order to spread the message of Syrian people that are against the regime of Bashar Al-Assad.
“We want to raise awareness and draw attention to the plight of Syria’s beleaguered children in areas and the suffering of the Syrian people being attacked and killed by the Assad regime and his allies,” said spokesman of RFS.
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According to the spokesman, the reason to publicize these photos, is through the prevailing frenzy with Pokemon Go to sensitize people about the hard times experienced by children who remain in Syria.
By James Red, Truth Inside Of You.