A nice glass of water is often the most refreshing thing you can offer your body -and yet, most of us neglect to drink enough water in our everyday lives. These signs will show you that you need to put the earth’s most natural beverage in your life.
Dry mouth.
Quite obviously , the first sign is this sticky feeling in your mouth that makes you reach for the closest drink. However, a sugary soda will not solve the problem: you need water in order to get your mouth and throat hydrated and allow them to produce adequate quantities of saliva.
Dry skin.
Skin is, even though we may not think of it like this, our body’s largest organ and it needs a lot of hydration. Dry skin is a very important sign, that will grow more obvious with age.
You are too thirsty.
Anyone who has ever woken up with a hang over knows this feeling of a body aching for water, as alcohol causes severe dehydration.
Dry eyes.
Your tear ducts dry up and this is not only about crying: you will get a feeling of ache in your eyeballs and your vision will blur up, especially if you are wearing contacts.
Joint pain.
Our spinal disks are made of 80% of water, which means hat dehydration makes your bones grind agains each other. A well watered body avoids pain from sudden movements.
Decreased muscle mass.
As a large part of your muscles is made up of water as well, they need hydration in order to keep their form. Drinking water before during and after training will prevent inflammation and fight sore muscles.
You stay sick more.
Hydration is a necessity for an immune system trying to get rid of an illness. If there is not enough water in your body, it will “borrow” it from your blood, which leads to the next problem:
Increased levels of fatigue.
Dropping down oxygen levels of your blood, due to lack of hydration, will kill your stamina and make you sleepy.
You feel more hunger.
The need for water will send a similar message as that of lack of food, and cause these familiar hunger pangs in the middle of the night. Instead of eating and creating more workout for your body, in order to digest it, have a glass of water and you will feel better right away.
Digestive problems.
It has the same causes as a dry mouth: lack of hydration affects the whole digestive system.
Reduced urination.
You should visit the toilet at least 4 to 7 times per day, and your urine should be light yellow and quite clear. If it is darker, this is also a sign of lack of hydration.
Premature ageing.
As you age, water levels in your body drop, so you need to increase the intake. Even if the signs are not that evident on the outside, the damage is greater on the inside, so this is why you should keep up the water intake.
So go ahead, and have a nice glass of water right away!