Kids are like soggy mud. They will take the shape you give them at their early age and are likely to stay the same throughout their lives. But there are certain things which differentiate good parents and bad parents. Scientists have found out specific habits which lead to successful kids.
If you want to know what they are, continue reading.
Home is said to be the first school of a child’s life. That is where they spend most of their time. Whereas parents are considered the most important teachers as they are the ones responsible to teach life morals and principles to their little ones.
1. Allow them to dream.
Times are changing and with every passing day, opportunities are increasing. Situations are like what they were years back. Professions aren’t only limited to doctors, engineers, and teachers anymore. So allow your child to pick a profession of his/her will.
2. Sit together as a family for dinner.
This might seem important but that isn’t the case. This evokes a feeling of togetherness and oneness in the family and also eliminated loneliness.
3. Limit their screen-time.
Day by day usage of gadgets is increasing. Especially visual ones. Do not allow your child to sit in front of pc, laptop or TV for long period of time. Similarly, do not be on your phone or laptop in front of your kid. Remember, kids, learn what they see, not what they are told.
4. Be ambitious
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a homemaker. But research has proved that kids who have seen an ambitious working mother while growing up are likely to be more focused and career oriented.
5. Involve work in their life
Loving your child and spoon-feeding them all your life are two different things. Involve your child in household work and make them understand that they too have certain responsibilities as a family member. No matter how tiny a job is, like folding clothes or putting toys back in place, tell them to do it.
6. Don’t gratify quickly.
Don’t fulfill all their wishes. Even if you are capable of providing them with it, try to delay their wants. This will help in attainting habits like patients and gratitude. They will also understand the value of things this way.
7. Read to them.
Read to your kids. Introduce them to books at a young age. No, don’t force them to study and learn but let them be acquainted with books. Reading to them will also make them attentive and a good listener.
8. Encourage them to travel.
Let them know that it’s a big beautiful world and it is full of different kinds of people. They should prepare to see the variety in our world.
9. Let them fall.
No kid can learn how to ride a cycle without tripping a few times. Be there for your kids while they are learning but allow them to get up on their own.