Did it ever happen to you, when you were with a person and you felt a bad vibe, as if the person was stealing your energy?
“Everything is energy” is one of the main axioms of science, and human beings are no strangers to energy transformations.
An interesting study was conducted at the University of Bielefeld, Germany, which shows that plants can absorb energy from other plants. Olivia Bader-Lee, a physician and therapist, followed the results of this investigation.
The science that studies the behavior of energy in living things is called bioenergetics.
This research was conducted in algae, specifically in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. It was discovered that in addition to photosynthesis, it also have an alternative source of energy and that would be to absorb energy from other algae. The charge of this research is the German biologist Olaf Kruse, and its findings were reported on Naturesite.com.
According to Bader-Lee, our bodies are like sponges, absorbing energy that is around us. “This is exactly why there are people who feel uncomfortable when they are in a certain group with a mixture of energy and emotions”.
“The human body is very similar to a plant that sucks, absorbs the energy needed to feed your emotional state, and can energize the cells and increase the amount of cortisol and catabolize, feed the cells depending on the emotional need. ” continues Bader-Lee.
That is why many people can change their mood which leads to being nervous, stressed, angry, anxious, sad, but also happy, optimistic and laughing.
Bader-Lee says that over the centuries, man has lost that connection with nature, in which the exchange of energy could bring enormous benefits to humanity.
Ultimately, the spirit is energy, and what we call “supernatural” is nothing more than the manifestation of different energies in the world. This was known in ancient cultures from every continent, but science has decided to ignore it and only few scientists dare to address these issues, for fear of criticism and rejection by the scientific community.
Source || via theusualroutine.com
yup! I believe this! 🙂
And suddenly witches aren’t so crazy after all…..
I feel a bad bive on people without geting that close !!!
That’s why you have to watch who you have sex with. You can’t just screw anyone and everyone
Maybe not this way but some people does really suck my energy
emotional vampires. called malignant narcissists.
And therefore, some are natural healers for they radiate with the energy of love
Ya if you want my energy you can have my aches and pains too.
It’s about time Science is catching up
Next time I want to bench press 200kgs all I have to do is get close to a female power lifter , that’s fantastic
I must being absorbing a lot of bad vibes, because my temper is short.
Kind’a true 2 weeks ago i visit a friend house the owner of the house is out to another place what i did is sit for a while to talk with her maid after 15mins.i went home i feel dizzy and i feel pain on my shoulders is this bad energy that i got from that person i talk to.
Linda McMillan Whited duh
Esraa Tarek
Desiree NicoLe Haley Rizor Antionette Marie
Perfection !
I can feel a persons energy long before they open their mouth…
I can take all of your energy if i want
Hi girls, as I’ve got too much energy that I don’t need, I would like to share my energy to any girls thru the absorb procedure, Love you all 😉
Oyeee Lyonel Pesantes
Si ves! Mi energiaaa!! Devuelvemela
Jajjajajajjaja tuu q absorves la mia y mi vida! Jajaj
Yes, i always can feel the good vibe and the bad vibe from anyone i met.
So to bench press 200kg all I have to do is get close to a female power lifter , that’s fantastic !!!
Ashley Weintraub
Thank u from r agreeing !
Turtle Linda Lindy Truong hehe steal vanellope’s youth
Hahahaha great photo #huh #errrr #nochanceaunty
Keep her away!!!
Hahaha just realised Bruce is on the side! So clingy
The clown was entertaining her lol
It is very true that our vibes tremendously attract and distract person we meet. This is complete science known as Aura science.
Don Ahmad Abdallah you absorbed a lot of energy
do you remmember the film where there is a big guy who take the jenny of people its like this pic
These type of people that absorb your energy and drain you are called energy vampires. (Psyche Vampires) They can in the hands of negative people make you very ill. Especially people who play around with black forms of the Dark Arts.
I know one way you can definitely absorb energy from a person. By turning them into a turd.