Tennis player Rafael Nadal has just restored faith in humanity by helping a Mother find her lost daughter in the crowd.
Despite playing a high stakes match and being focused on his craft which has made him famous, Rafael proved what a genuine guy he is.

Apparently there was commotion coming from the crowd as a Mother was unable to find her daughter. Once Rafael knew what was going on, he immediately paused the game so the whole crowd could help find the missing daughter.
In what was a great relief for the Mother, the daughter was found and returned.
It’s great to see someone like Rafael Nadal – who has everything in life – stop what he loves doing most to help someone out. It’s integrity, respect and compassion as its finest.
Hopefully this serves a reminder to all of us to help other people out when they’re in need, even if you’re busy yourself.
That’s what the world could use more of: genuine kindness.
Thanks Rafael Nadal for being such an inspiring role model for young kids to look up to.
Legends always legends right….