Choice. Every day we make a choice to either be grateful and happy, or we choose to see the bad in everything and be miserable. No matter what may come our way, we choose how to react and how we…
Pictures Of Gorgeous VW Beetle Art Paintings Painted On VW Minibus
Quite possibly the most iconic Volkswagen car ever, the VW Beetle, ran out of production this year. But that brings up the history of another of Volkswagen’s most iconic transport vehicles – the minibus, also called the ‘The Transporter’. The…
Photographer Captures Trees From A Worm’s Eye View And The Result Is Beautiful
While there’s no denying that birds have a great view from high in the sky, what we can see from down below is also undeniably beautiful. Manuelo Bececco, a photographer from Italy, did a project in which he photographed trees…
Photographer Finds Locations Of 1960s Postcards and Compares Them With Photos Of Today.
This project started when an old photo caught the attention of photographer Pablo Iglesias Maurer. The photo was a postcard from a resort in the 1960’s. Pablo began wondering how is this place now and this led him to create…
Left-Handed People: Unique Facts About Left-Handed
Left-handed folks are believed to be a miracle of the Universe. Forming 10% of the population, the reason behind this occurrence is not yet discovered. Some say that it is passed on by genes or one’s surroundings have some role…
7 Useful Psychology Tricks That You Need To Know
The universe has its unique share of living beings – and a human being is one of them. Psychologists have been exploring, analyzing and determining different behavioral patterns for decades. And they have linked the new patterns that with our…
Who Is The Least Intelligent? Each Choice Can Reveal A Part Of Your Personality
A debate have begun by this simple picture this week, since the photo began spreading across the Internet. Some readers argued that the one in the photo, whose action intends to harm himself, it is the most stupid, but everyone…