“Hey Alexa, read today’s news!” From now on Alexa will respond to these things in Samuel L Jackson’s voice. Isn’t it interesting?
Photos of Children’s School Lunches Across the World
Concern regarding school lunches for kids in the US has been a common issue past few years. Parents are worried about their kids’ healthy diet and want to make their school lunches look attractive too.
Tricky Puzzles That Will Challenge Your Brain
Though most of us might now realize it, age is fairly relative. While our bodies might age at a certain rate, our intellect and emotional maturity might develop much faster. Do you want to know how old your brain is?…
J.K. Rowling Donates A Generous Sum Of $18.8 Million For Multiple Sclerosis Research
J. K. Rowling – this British author was able to capture the hearts of children and adults all over the world with her fantastic Harry Potter series. The Harry Potter series with all its magic and themes of friendship and…
Can You Find The ‘Right’ Answer?
Check this image and figure out the answer! This is a picture riddle, to test your observational skills. In this picture riddle, there is a pattern. Your challenge in this puzzle is to observe the image carefully and then find…
18 Signs That Can Help You Understand Your Baby Better
When an infant is tiny and young, the parents of the cute monstrosity are always anxious about its well-being. They have to put in all their effort, time, and energy into their child. Since such tiny infants have no way…
How to Change Your Life for the Better in Just One Month (Complete Guide)
No one’s life is perfect. It’s always filled with trials and tribulations. However, it depends on us as to how we handle our circumstances to make the most of life. You have the ability to change your life, you just…