Arguments are normal in our lives but when we fail to remain calm in tough situations, it escalates the trouble. Since we cannot control others, we must try to change ourselves and try to be calm and understanding when others…
People Who Resist Their Age And Won Time
Nobody likes getting old. But it is an inevitable phenomenon, and everyone has to get on with it. Although people cannot stop from getting old, they sure can resist their age and won time. According to scientific researches, if you…
Keyboard Combinations For Windows And Mac That Will Change How You Use Your Computer (pics)
Technology is always getting better and better and if you can’t keep up with the changes, you’ll end up in a bit of confusion. Technology comes to make our life simpler, but to make it all really easy and lighting-speed,…
Facts About Farting You Probably Didn’t Know
Farting is usually considered to be the most shameful or humorous function of the body. Everyone farts but have we ever taken a moment to think about the science and history behind it? Below are some little-known facts about farting:…
Key Habits for Making a Strong Relationship
Just as four walls don’t make a home until that is filled with love and togetherness, a strong relationship is not only built by two people, but also with their patience, understanding, and hope.
A Zen Master Explains Why Positive Thinking Is Terrible Advice
All our life we have been told to always think about the positive side of a story, or to see the positive side of a person, or to think positively in a situation. But is thinking positively the solution to…
How To Overcome Laziness: Learn The Japanese Technique
Often we set goals and challenges in our life – especially during the New Year – and we fail to achieve most of them. We give excuses for our failure and promise ourselves to accomplish them again. We start with…
Some Of The Most Expensive Things In The World None Of Us Will Be Able To Afford
We all know that money cannot buy happiness, but there are a few things in the world that only money can buy. If you have been wondering about these expensive things, allow me to help you out.