Can you create three squares by moving four sticks?

The Matchstick Puzzle This puzzle will put your knowledge and analytical skills to the test! What makes it hard is that you can you move four sticks to create three squares. Can you do it? Write your answer on the…

Riddle: How can the number four be half of number five?

These kind of challenging math riddles aren’t easy to solve. Do you think you know the answer to this one? Write your answer on the comments section below & and check if you got it right on page 2.

Which Day Is The Thief Telling The Truth?

A thief lies on six days of the week. But on one day—the same day each week—he only speaks the truth. On three consecutive days, he says: Day 1: I lie on Monday and Tuesday. Day 2: It’s now Thursday,…

Create 2 Squares By Removing 5 Matches

The Matchstick Puzzle This puzzle will put your knowledge and analytical skills to the test! What makes it hard is that you can you remove five matches to create two squares. Can you do it? At first glance it looks…

The Best Job Interview Answer Ever

We are faced with dilemmas every day in our life and it is our discernment in the crunch time that defines who we are and how far we will go.

Why Men And Women Think Differently

That’s Mark Gungor, one of the most sought-after speakers on marriage and family in the US. He’s also a pastor and a ridiculously funny guy. His Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage® seminars are attended by many people, and…

MATH TEST: Can You Figure Out The Right Solution?

Mathematics can be difficult, some times confusing, but we should be able to figure out the answer to a basic equation like this one. Well, it turns out that there’s a lot of conflict on the internet about the correct…

Which Tank Will Fill Up First?

I Bet 99.99% Will Fail! Check this image and figure out which tank will fill up first. Good luck and pass it on! Write your answer on the comments section below & and check if you got it right on…