King Of Persia Riddle

I Bet 99.99% Will Fail! The King of Persia has a visitor who will be his new minister of defence. When he comes the King greets him and asks politely “Would you like a tour of the city?” and the…

The Hospital Riddle

I Bet 99.99% Will Fail! “Who shot her?” cried a man as he rushed into the hospital where his wife was kept. The man was stopped by the police who asked him where he was last night he told them…

Count The Apples Riddle

I Bet 99.99% Will Fail! Welcome back. This time we try to help the fictional town of Bananaville, which, despite its predilection for the yellow fruit, is eagerly awaiting a shipment of delicious apples. You have been given the task…

Who is most safe? Riddle

I Bet 99.99% Will Fail! Who is most safe? In the picture, four friends are walking away from each other. However, as they are waving goodbye to each other, they do not notice the hurdles right in front of them.…

Carnival Riddle

I Bet 99.99% Will Fail! A boy was at a carnival and went to a booth where a man said to the boy, “If I write your exact weight on this piece of paper then you have to give me…

Lazy Daughter Riddle

I Bet 99.99% Will Fail! A wealthy wise old woman feared that her daughter was lazy and as a result rather stupid. When the old woman died, her will stipulated that her assets were to be liquidated and a check…

Who Is At More Risk? Riddle

I Bet 99.99% Will Fail!   Who Is At More Risk? Look at the image above carefully and try to to solve the puzzle. You will need to think a lot and tell who is at more risk. Is it…

How many men are inside the room?

I Bet 99.99% Will Fail!   How many men are inside the room? Good luck and pass it on! Write your answer on the comments section below & and check if you got it right on page 2.