George Carlin – On Campus (1984)

Carlin on Campus is the 10th album and fourth HBO special by American comedian George Carlin recorded April 18–19, 1984. The show features mostly new material. The opening features Carlin in Catholic School with a short version of “Class Clown” and animation shorts.

Documentary: THRIVE – What On Earth Will It Take?

THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what’s REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream — uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives.

Documentary: Strain Hunters. (2007)

Strain Hunters is a series of documentaries aimed at informing the general public about the quest for the preservation of the cannabis plant in the form of particularly vulnerable landraces originating in the poorest areas of the planet.

Documentary: Bowling For Columbine.

Bowling for Columbine is a 2002 American documentary film written, directed and narrated by Michael Moore. The film explores what Moore suggests are the causes for the Columbine High School massacre in 1999 and other acts of violence with guns.

Documentary: Fahrenheit 9/11

Fahrenheit 9/11. The second highest grossing documentary of all time after Michael Jackson’s This Is It, debuted at the 2004 Cannes Film Festival in the documentary film category and received a 20 minute standing ovation, among the longest standing ovations in…

Documentary: Marijuana – A Chronic History

The fight against drug use in America has been going on since the turn of the last century but the term War on Drugs only became part of our national dialog in 1970 when it was first used by President…

Documentary : Breaking the Taboo.

Narrated by Oscar winning actor Morgan Freeman, Breaking the Taboo takes a critical look at how after 50 years of prohibition, illicit drugs are now the third most valuable industry in the world after food and oil.

George Carlin – Carlin at Carnegie (1982)

Carlin at Carnegie is George Carlin‘s third special to be seen on HBO, recorded at Carnegie Hall, New York City in 1982, released in 1983.Most of the material comes from A Place for My Stuff, his ninth album released earlier that same year. Unlike the first two,…