The Earth Is A Sentient Living Organism. Stop Living On The Earth And Start Cohabitating With Her.

Contrary to the common belief that the Earth is simply a dense planet whose only function is a resource for its inhabitants, our planet is in fact a breathing, living organism. When we think of the Earth holistically, as one…

New Type Planet Discovered By Astronomers : Kepler 10c.

The announcement of the detection of a rocky planet that weighs 17 times as Earth did today astronomers of Harvard observatory within a conference of the American Society of Astronomy.

Become More Conscious: 100 Ways To Raise Your Consciousness.

In this post you will find the most complete list of tips, that will totally help you to raise your consiousness on a higher level as you learn to connect and appreciate nature, life and universe.

The New Hybrid Car That Runs On Air!

Over 3 million hybrid automobiles have been sold since 1999, and the innovative designs have only continued to rise in popularity. But now a new model is planning to be released which could potentially shift the future of Eco-friendly cars and transport.

Scientists Have Found That Dna Can Hold Memories for Generations.

New research from Emory University School of Medicine, in Atlanta, has shown that it is possible for some information to be inherited biologically through chemical changes that occur in DNA. During the tests they learned that that mice can pass on learned information…

Anti-FIFA Graffiti Fill The Streets Of Brazil.

A few days remaining from the start of the World Cup, nonetheless residents in Brazil are strongly expressed that they do not want to take place in their country. The Government has spent many billions for a sporting event, while…

The Man Who Lives Without Money.

Irishman Mark Boyle tried to live life with no income, no bank balance and no spending. Here’s how he finds it.If someone told me seven years ago, in my final year of a business and economics degree, that I’d now be…

The Century of the Self. The Rise of the All-Consuming Self and the Influence of the Freud Dynasty.

Edward Bernays invented ‘Public Relations’ in the 1920s, being the first person to take Freud’s ideas to manipulate the masses. He showed American corporations how they could make people want things they didn’t need by systematically linking mass-produced goods to…