A father and his son peaceful day routine is interrupted by an encounter with a strange boy of a different colour.
Reiki Intro: What is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes…
A Huge Asteroid Will Fly By Earth This Sunday Morning June 8th.
A huge asteroid that goes by the nickname the “Beast” will fly close to Earth this Sunday Morning, June 8. Asteroid 2014 HQ124 is larger than a football field but does not threaten our planet, according to the calculations of astronomers, as it will pass at…
Kinhin, The Walking Meditation Practice.
Kinhin is walking meditation practice. We practice Present Moment Awareness when walking in kinhin.Searching inside Buddhism, we soon learn that kinhin is an extremely important practice. It is the thread that binds all of our practices together.
The Earth Is A Sentient Living Organism. Stop Living On The Earth And Start Cohabitating With Her.
Contrary to the common belief that the Earth is simply a dense planet whose only function is a resource for its inhabitants, our planet is in fact a breathing, living organism. When we think of the Earth holistically, as one…
New Type Planet Discovered By Astronomers : Kepler 10c.
The announcement of the detection of a rocky planet that weighs 17 times as Earth did today astronomers of Harvard observatory within a conference of the American Society of Astronomy.
Become More Conscious: 100 Ways To Raise Your Consciousness.
In this post you will find the most complete list of tips, that will totally help you to raise your consiousness on a higher level as you learn to connect and appreciate nature, life and universe.