“The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.” ‒William James
Simulation Shows Time Travel is Possible by Australian Physicists.
Physicists at the University of Queensland in Australia have used photons – single particles of light – to simulate quantum particles travelling through time and study their behaviour.They were hoping to find out more about whether time travel would be…
The Internet’s Own Boy. The Story Of Aaron Swarts.(2014)
Stan Pauler, Truth Inside Of You The Internet’s Own Boy follows the story of programming prodigy and information activist Aaron Swartz. From Swartz’s help in the development of the basic internet protocol RSS to his co-founding of Reddit, his fingerprints are all over…
Documentary: Eye Of The Phoenix – Secrets Of The Dollar Bill. (2009)
Eye Of The Phoenix – Secrets Of The Dollar Bill, this high quality documentary proves the following points about the two Seals on the back of the One Dollar Bill with clarity and precision: 1) The two Seals are Egyptian…
Nutrition for the Mind’s Eye: Foods to Reactivate Your Pineal Gland.
The mind’s eye, scientifically known as the pineal gland, is considered to be the gateway to higher levels of consciousness. In case you weren’t aware, the pineal gland is a small pine cone shaped endocrine gland in the brain that produces and…
Air Purification, Best Plants to Grow Indoors.
It is easier than ever to introduce flora into one’s home. Plants grown indoors have a variety of benefits. Not only are they the ultimate in functional decorating, but some well-placed greenery can brighten a space,provide air purification, and also…
We Have 60000 Thoughts Per Day And 95% Are The Same From The Previous Day.
Average day, on an average person, through his head emerge for approximately 60 000 thoughts per day! But the stunning fact is that 95% of those thoughts are the same from the previous day which leaves us with only 5%…