You’re looking at a rabbit’s heart beating outside the animal that once hosted it. It’s alive, pumping blood on its own thanks to a revolutionary membrane that may save your life by keeping your heart beating at a perfect rate.
The Truth is Within You.
The philosophical question about the meaning of life, its purpose, why we are here and the truth behind all that is has fascinated people since early mankind, from the Sumerians to the Mayans, modern Scientists and Philosophers, believers and atheists.
LSD As A Treatment For Alcoholism.
An analysis of old studies suggests LSD may have a role to play in treating alcoholism.The powerful hallucinogen LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) has potential as a treatment for alcoholism, according to a retrospective analysis of studies published in the late…
Top 10 Suggested Foods for Diabetics, What to Avoid and How to Get Healthier with Every Meal.
There are two types of diabetes. Type 1 usually appears in childhood, and its symptoms can be quite abrupt and severe. Type 2 diabetes is more common, and its symtoms present more gradually. It can develop at any age and…
The Five Psychological Phases of Fitness.
The five phases of fitness describe how people are going to feel after starting a fitness program, whether as a beginner or advanced athlete.
8 Ways That Music Benefits Our Brain.
Since music is such a big part of our lives, it would be interesting and useful to have a look at some of the ways we react to it without even realizing and how music benefits your brain.
The Effect of Cannabis on Pregnant Women and Their Newborns.
It’s almost too taboo to discuss: pregnant women smoking marijuana. It’s a dirty little secret for women, particularly during the harrowing first trimester, who turn to cannabis for relief from nausea and stress.
The 50 Most Brilliant Life Hacks that will Make your Life Easier.
Good luck! Your life may never be the same again…