Paper Marbling : This Art Gonna Leave You Speechless.

Ebru or paper marbling is a really wonderful art based in liquid-science.

Mahatma Gandhi Wisdom! Gandhi’s 10 Fundamentals: How To Change The World!

Mahatma Gandhi needs no long introduction. Everyone knows about the man who lead the Indian people to independence from British rule in 1947.

Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water (Particularly in the Morning).

By Garrick Dee  A glass of lemon water to start your day can help keep the doctor away. Why do I say that? According to Hippocrates “All disease begin in the gut”, and modern research has also concluded that an unhealthy gut environment…

Awaken Kundalini Energy – Heal the Body using the Mind

Gain Spiritual Energy by Arousing Your Kundalini Probably, you are among those that are searching for a way to arouse their kundalini so as to gain great ally to their spiritual power, you are in the right place as that…

You Are More Powerful Than You Think!

Each of us are given a specific set of abilities and characteristics that are tools to help us accomplish our purpose in life. Some, we know about. Other traits are out of sight. It takes our connection with the divine…

Sweden the first EU country officially recognizes Palestine as a state and plans to aid.

Sweeden became the first European Union country to officially recognize Palestine as a state. Hours after that Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom announced that Sweden is set to give Palestine up to 1.5 billion kronor ($200 million) in aid.

Cops Like Me Say Legalize All Drugs!Here’s Why!

I was a police officer for 20 years, enforcing drug laws in California and thinking I was doing my part for society. But what made me think properly about drug use for the first time was my experience with my…

8 Amazing Inexpensive Countries to Live in For a Year (Guide)

Have you ever thought about chucking it all and moving to a place where the greenback goes farther? Though many of us do, the spots we used to consider cheap—the Bahamas in the 1970s, Paris in the ’60s—aren’t so inexpensive…