8 Powerful Steps To Positive Thinking.

It’s so much easier to be pessimistic than to be optimistic, isn’t it? To look at the half-empty glass instead of the half-full glass, to criticize and complain instead of expressing our appreciation and gratitude for everything that happens to…

Man Buys Turtles From Food Market And Releases Them Back To The Sea.

Two beautiful turtles would become lunch in Papua New Guinea, finally had another fate. Arron Culling and his colleague Mark bought them in a local food market and let them free where they belong-in the sea.

11 Things That Are More Important Than Love In A Relationship.

There will be times when we don’t adore your partner with all we have. And no matter how many we adore them, there are usually some people we shouldn’t be with. I know.

Elderly couple enjoying an ice cream on a bench.

Elderly couple enjoying an ice cream on a bench.  by Johnny Stones, for Truth Inside Of You.  Don’t forget to visit our Quotes Gallery!

How to Make Lavender Lemonade To Get Rid of Headaches and Anxiety.

So many people suffer from anxiety and headaches these days. I believe this to be a mixture of our lifestyles and many of the changes that are taking place in our world that are pushing people to question what we’ve…

Maryland to Become First State in U.S. to Ban Bee-Killing Pesticides.

In 2015, honey bee populations in the state of Maryland declined by 61%, according to the USDA. That startling statistic is two times higher than the national average, which is why beekeepers are celebrating the state’s recent decision to ban…

10 Things to Keep in Mind When Loving a Highly Creative Person.

It has been proven that highly creative people’s brains work quite differently than other brains. That special brain wiring that can create such wonderful art, music, and writing can often lead to strain in a relationship, because of those differences.…

Black men lined up to protect officers in Baltimore.

Black men lined up to protect officers in Baltimore.We see what we’re looking for so let’s look for all the good. So much good being done.Lots of work to do but let’s not forget the citizens fighting injustice and standing…