The Art of Fighting Without Fighting.

“Supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.” –Sun Tzu “It is useless to fight against people’s rigid ways, or to argue against their irrational concepts. You will only waste time and make yourself rigid in the process.…

LEAKED Footage: Here’s What Monstrous Things They Do For The Sake Of The Meat Industry (VIDEO)

An investigation into the industrial chicken hatcheries… Animal Equality investigators have infiltrated hatcheries to show you a reality that the chicken industry does not want you to see… Hatcheries are places where the chickens we eat are borne by the thousands.…

Love your parents and treat them with loving care.

  Love your parents and treat them with loving care.  by Johnny Stones, for Truth Inside Of You.  Don’t forget to visit our Quotes Gallery!

Where the Stoners Are: America’s Top 10 Marijuana-Using States.

Acceptance of marijuana seems to have reached a tipping point in the United States. Four states and the District of Columbia have already legalized it, half the states have medical marijuana laws now (two-thirds if you count the CBD-only states),…

A man giving his shoes to a homeless girl in Rio de Janeiro.

A man giving his shoes to a homeless girl in Rio de Janeiro.  by Johnny Stones, for Truth Inside Of You.  Don’t forget to visit our Quotes Gallery!

5 Hilarious Fables Teach Valuable Leadership Skills That Everyone Should Know.

Source: || via:

6 Signs You’re Arguing With A Psychopath.

Psychopaths make up one percent of the general population and, contrary to popular belief, most of them aren’t serial killers.

On graduation day, this entire class shaved their head for their classmate who has cancer.

On graduation day, this entire class shaved their head for their classmate who has cancer.  by Johnny Stones, for Truth Inside Of You.  Don’t forget to visit our Quotes Gallery!