I grew up in a family where physical contact (hugs etc, don’t be weird) just didn’t happen. Affection was very much spread vocally rather than physically; if my brother wanted to tell me he loved me, he’d let me have…
10 Signs You’re Under More Stress Than You Probably Realize.
Changing jobs, going through a breakup and struggling financially are some of the most common stressors for any age group.
20 Traits Of A Sarcastic Girlfriend
Dating a sarcastic girl is not as bad as it sounds. Sarcasm might sometimes feel like an offense, but in fact, it’s more complicated than that. Sarcastic people are not mean; they just share their own unique kind of humor.…
Scientists Demonstrate How These Ancient Stones Align With The Sun & Moon (500 Years Before Stonehenge).
The strange and ancient stone circles that reside on the British Isle have long remained a mysterious occurrence, with no one knowing quite why the circles were erected, or for what purpose. Built in two locations in Scotland, the strange structures pre-date…
Here’s How Marijuana Drastically Shrinks An Aggressive Form Of Brain Cancer.
Research shows that cannabinoids can help slow tumour growth and even cause them to shrink.
The Science of Why Humans Constantly Compare Themselves to Others.
Human beings have a tendency to compare themselves to others and it is as automatic as any other human emotion. But the negative effects of comparisons keep us from our growth and embracing our greatest abilities to share with others.
Reveal Your True Nature With This 3 Question Tibetan Test.
Abandoning logic and symbolically processing everything, your subconscious is pretty incredible, the gateway to the intangible world you wish to connect with. Ready for a challenge? Go on, dive into that subconscious-driven world you crave.
Science Confirms That People Absorb Energy From Others.
Did it ever happen to you, when you were with a person and you felt a bad vibe, as if the person was stealing your energy?