This High School Cross-Country Team Takes Lonely Shelter Dogs On Their Morning Runs.

Members of the St. Joseph High School cross-country team in California invited more than a dozen shelter dogs to accompany them on their morning run this week.

Ingenious First Aid Blanket Is Covered With Instructions To Save Lives.

The First Aid Blanket offers clear instructions with regards to dealing with an unconscious victim.

Neglected Bear Was Put In A Rusty Cage For Thirty Years. Now Watch Her Reaction When They Free Her!

In the winters, we humans like to cuddle up and ‘hibernate like a bear’. Bears in the wild actually DO innately curl up and go to sleep for approximately 8 months! Human beings know how terrible we feel when we…

10 Things You’ll Only Understand If You’re A Virgo.

Only a Virgo can understand just how simple, yet complex our personalities are. No wonder we are often misunderstood and withdraw from people who just don’t get us. But, Virgos know that they are pretty amazing people and are able…

After You See What Happens, You’ll Freeze Lemons For The Rest Of Your Life!

So why should we freeze lemons? “A new study has shown for the first time how limonoids, natural compounds present in lemons and other citrus fruit, impede both ER+ and ER- breast cancer cell growth. This sheds new light on…

7 Common Character Traits Shared By Most Creative People.

Have you ever channelled all your energy toward finishing a certain artwork or composition?

The Tragically Heartbreaking And Uplifting Life Of Keanu Reeves Revealed

In 1999, Keanu Reeves became most famous for his role in the groundbreaking science fiction film, The Matrix. It earned an impressive $463.5 million at the box office and was nominated for and won four Academy Awards. The Matrix is…

4,000 Native Americans in Bundy Ranch-Style Protest as DHS Cuts Water Supply — Media Blackout.

Cannon Ball, ND — (Common Dreams) Growing in number and spirit, the Standing Rock Sioux protest against the Dakota Access Pipeline is swiftly gaining strength ahead of a federal hearing on the controversial project. Support has spread across the country,…