Why do people become materialistic monsters, when depressed or nervous? Whenever someone is sad or under the blue – s/he spends every dime on buying clothes, shoes or grabbing a grub at his/her favorite restaurant. All just to become or…
The Real Reason Marijuana is still Illegal
Okay, enough is enough. I’m am sick and tired of hearing about how bad marijuana is. I mean, come on, there are more issues with alcohol, by far, than with marijuana, including deaths and broken homes. To put it “bluntly”,…
Diamond Batteries Made of Nuclear Waste Can Generate Power for Thousands of Years.
An ingenuous technology has been developed by scientists that help in the conversion of nuclear plant waste into diamond batteries that are highly sustainable. These batteries are capable of powering satellites, spacecraft and medical devices in a safe and clean…
What your Feet Say about your Health: 10 Warning Things to Pay Attention to
This might seem counter-intuitive, but your feet can tell you a lot about health. In fact, it’s one of the most consistent predictors of how your health is doing. Below are tell-tale signs that you might need to schedule an…
New Surgery Can Give the Legally Blind 20/20 Vision.
Unfortunately, new statistics say that 2.5 million emergency room visits or deaths were caused by traumatic brain injury in the US alone. This can result in severely affecting someone’s vision and in some cases, leading them to develop blindness. However,…
Curiosity Delivers New Evidence That Life Could Have Thrived on Mars
Ever since Curiosity landed on Mars, researchers have concluded that it could have been the perfect place for live to thrive. A recent discovery has now supported the claims that Mars hosted life in the past. The curiosity rover has…
Want to Grow New Brain Cells? Find out Now!
Is it possible for an adult to grow new neurons? Some experts say it is not feasible, but others beg to differ. And one of them is Sandrine Thuret, a renowned neuroscientist. At a recent TED Talk – Sandrine explained…
Escaping the Matrix: 5 Ways To Deprogram Yourself.
Most of us live an insignificant and boring life. We follow a routine – wake up in the morning, get ready, go to work and return home, watch TV, have dinner and go to sleep. And the cycle continues. It’s…