50 Breathtaking Pictures of Maine Coons, the Largest Cats in the World

Photographer Robert Sijka presents us the largest domestic cats in the world, the Maine Coon.

Poker Bot Developed to Outlast Human Players.

A poker-playing Artificial Intelligence programs have been drawn up by two research groups. And it proves that computers are capable of hustling human players – the best ones! It has been a significant achievement for artificial intelligence. The researchers in…

This Recipe Will Help You Clear Your Lungs

Smoking is injurious to health. It is world’s most powerful killer. Even the cigarette companies nowadays write the warning on the packet itself. Health officials have declared that more than 5 billion people in the entire world are smokers and…

I Don’t Like People! Help Me Cure My Social Anxiety!

I’m going to make a confession, I don’t generally like people. I know how this may sound, it’s cruel and it means that those who are reading this are lumped into that group called “people”, but it’s true. When I…

4 Little White Lies That We Tell Ourselves.

What’s wrong with a little white lie? We all tell them, right? Suppose there was a category of lies, separating little white lies from big black ones. In a way, there is. Society separates lies that they deem to be okay…

Want to Know How to Escape the Black Hole? Stephen Hawking Has an Answer!

Black Hole is like the Bermuda Triangle. Once you fall into it, you are gone forever. But that’s what we always believed and learned. However, Stephen Hawking – world renowned physicist has found a way to escape the Black Hole.…

Religion And Spirituality: What’s the Difference?

“Religion is belief in someone else’s experience. Spirituality is having your own experience!” ~ Deepak Chopra. People often get confused when someone proclaims that s/he is not religious but spiritual. Spirituality – for many – is an element of mystery…

5 Things Good Parents Do, While Raising Their Kids: Reveals Harvard Psychologists

Parenting today is a whole new deal. Raising a kid – inevitably takes a village – especially when there are constant chaos, distraction, and technological interruptions – courtesy of smartphones, iPhones, iPads, the internet, computer and gaming consoles.