You may look calm, but deep down you are not. Anxiety is like a monster growing up inside of you. You can feel it, but you are trying not to let it get out. You cannot stop it, so you…
Half of the World’s Wealth Is Owned by 8 People
Oxfam published a research that proves facts that we could already assume, but weren’t able to conceive their real size. According to this scary publication on growing inequality, 8 people on the planet have as much wealth as the 50%…
A Cyclist of 105 years old Rode 14 Miles in One Hour
Robert Marchand is a french cyclist that managed an amazing record: he cycled 14 miles (about 24 kilometres) in one hour, at the age of 105 years old! Robert achieved this record, that is a world record for the age…
Lessons to Learn from a Man that Can Move Nothing but His Face
Jon Morrow is a 34 year old man that can move nothing more than his eyes and lips. And he writes articles to let us know that he has an amazing life. Speech recognition technology allows him to speak into a…
Starting to Work Before 10a.m. Is Like Torture, According to Scientists
A researcher from Oxford University, Paul Kelley, came to the conclusion that the most common form of torture in modern societies is jobs that start before 10 a.m. Focusing on biological processes, and specifically our biological timed cycle that organises our…
5 Ways to Heal a Hardened Heart
I had a hardened heart. It was broken so long ago that I cannot remember the moment it got its first crack. I do know, however, that the fissure spread, fueled by numerous hurts and disappointments, causing the entire vessel…
The Miracle Plant of Cannabis
Cannabis serves as the most multipurpose and effective plant on planet earth. It has numerous reasons that can be tracked back to hundreds of centuries. When grown for industrial purposes, cannabis is known as industrial cannabis, or hemp. Normally, hemp…
An Elementary School Teacher Listens As Benedict Cumberbatch Reads A Touching Thank You Letter From Albert Camus.
If a teacher changed your life, it’s never too late to thank them.