5 ULTIMATE Reasons to Practice Meditation Daily

In this fast-paced world, where human beings are eager to find instant gratification of their pursuits, one often becomes the victim of stress, anxiety, anger and all kinds of other emotions related to negativity. Given this condition, one could always…

Promise Made in 4th Grade Is Finally Fulfilled 7 Years Later!

From childhood, Mary Lapkowics and Ben Moser have been friends. Ben has been a best friend to Mary Lapkowics, whom suffers from Down Syndrome. No one else wanted to play with her because of her DS condition. One day, when…

This Is Why Narcissists Are Some of the Most Attractive People to Empaths

What I’m about to relate may seem confusing to some of you, but empaths adore narcissists. It would seem, after one destructive relationship with a narcissist, that the empath would learn better, but no. There is something that draws them…

The Spiritual Effects of Marijuana: How Cannabis Impacts On Human Creativity.

Since the beginning of time people choose the cannabis plant for their spiritual adventures. Humans have soon realized that the proper use of the sacred herb could provide mental benefits.

How to Unlock the “Muscle of the Soul”

Ηumans need to realise that their body is the home of their soul, and through taking care of it, one can reconnect with the powerful energy of the Earth. Therapist and filmmaker Danielle Prohom Olson took this one step further,…

The Wheel of Emotions Can Show You Who You Are.

A beautiful illustration is being used to understand the character of a person, based on the reactions towards different colors. The viewing of colors affects a psychic layer, and the different colors and emotions that they produce were visualized in…

Ben Stiller Hits the World With a Massive Message

The famous American actor Ben Stiller uploaded a few hours ago in his personal page on facebook a really interesting video which aims to spread awareness about the situation happening this time in Somalia, where more than 20 million people…

Something Disturbing Is Realized When Men Are Removed From These Photos.

Elle UK Magazine did a simple photoshopping task whose results are simply shocking. In order to make a point about the underrepresentation of women in the sphere of politics, despite better conditions in other professional fields, they decided to pick…