4 Things You Need To STOP Doing For Your Child.

Many people may think I’m a bad mother to my teenage boys. The reason for this is because sometimes they go to school without their hair combed and forget their homework. Sounds appalling right? I guess I should make sure…

Science Confirms Laziness is Contagious.

Colds are contagious and so area rashes, well at least some of them. But I bet you didn’t also know that laziness is contagious. Leader of the motivation, brain, and behavior group at the Brain and Spine Institute (ICM) in…

Are We Born Intelligent Or With The Ability To Learn?

“What is the definition of an Intelligent human being?” Wow, that’s a tough question, isn’t it? In fact, it might take a long time to explain this and what it really means. That’s because it doesn’t really have to do…


Do we ever wonder how would it be to get accepted by others if we ever show our true face? Could they accept us for who we really are, could they get used to our true selves? Some Brutally Honest…

HERE Is The Location Of Earth’s 7 Chakras.

This is believed to be the location of Earth’s 7 Chakras.

10 Quality Traits All Introverts Have, Even If They Don’t Know It.

Some people assume introverts are socially anxious, but that’s not the case. Introverts just don’t handle social stimulation as well as extroverts do. If you’re an introvert and you feel down about it, this article will make you feel better.

Highly Empathic People Have THESE 4 Super Powers.

A highly empathic people is a special person indeed. They can sense emotions and energies unlike no other. Sometimes they feel these emotions so strongly that they think they’re a curse to society. But they’re no curse. In fact, most…