Artist Used 20,000 Nails to Create Amazing Portraits.

Half painting half sculpture, a perfect balance, chaos, and harmony. This is the “Descent”, the great creation of artist Bruce Mackley. This is an industrial mosaic with over 20,000 nails that frame and fill the meticulously painted canvas in a variety…

12 Historical Unsolved Mysteries That Have Been Solved Recently.

The millennium of history left many mysteries that scientists have not been able to solve. However, some of them, thanks to the development of technology, could eventually unveil the mystery.

How Many Squares Can You Count In This Puzzle?

Look at this image and figure out how many squares you can count in this puzzle. CHECK THE ANSWER BELOW!   The squares you can count in this puzzle are 16. Explanation: 9 [1×1] squares 5 [2×2] squares 1 [4×4]…

Doctors Urge People to Stop Taking Ibuprofen Immediately! Here’s Why

Many people nowdays rely on pain killers like ibuprofen to relieve their headaches or even a back pain. Several doctors advice their adult patients to stop taking this anti inflammatory drug, because the risks exceed the benefits.

Korean Artist Captures the Magic of Love in a Way You Can Almost Feel It.

Each person shows his love in a different way. Some express their love by touching, others with words and some through actions. Hyocheon Jeong is a great South Korean Artist, whose projects stealing the hearts of Instagram users.

Hurricane Irma ‘Sucks’ The Water From The Bahamas Coast in This Strange Phenomenon!

Hurricane Irma has left indelible marks, from the places that passed, but a video posted on twitter, has provoked awe, as it shows the power of the hurricane can change the form of the oceans!

Which Tank Will Fill Up First?

Look at this image and figure out which tank will fill up first. Choose a tank and check the video below to see the answer!

Illegal Miners in Brazil Boast of Killing Members of ‘Uncontacted’ Amazon Tribe.

The members of the tribe who had caused global attention with its discovery, allegedly murdered in a wild way.