Myths About PTSD We Need to Stop Believing.

Something has been bothering me for quite some time. In addition to coping with Bipolar disorder, anxiety and PTSD, I have to deal with stigma about all three, not to mention dealing with OCD as well.

Τhese Beautiful Underwater Photographies Will Make You Want to Be a Diver.

Τhe winners of the Ocean Art Photography Competition show that underwater exists a completely different planet. The magic of the images gives an otherworldly sensation and make it hard to decide which one is the best.

Reveal Your Psychological Age With This Quiz.

A test that is circulating on the Internet shows our psychological age, which is not necessarily the same as the actual.

Humanity Faces One of Its Most Dangerous Threats.

There is a certain threat to humanity where antibiotics are absent. With no antibiotics, bacteria spreads throughout entire areas. And this is a known fact, without proper medications, bacteria can take over everything and grow. But I bet you didn’t…

10 Minutes After Death, Brain Activity Detected.

Want to hear something unbelievable? Here’s one for science fiction! A Study found that a full 10 minutes after clinical death, the brain still showed activity in one particular human being. The study was published in The Canadian Journal of…

More Hard Hitting Words From The Dalai Lama About The Mass Brainwashing Of Society.

His holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet is a world renowned and respected figure. He is best known for his logically sound preaching. Recently he proclaimed that prayer to God can’t be an answer to disasters created by man.…

Lost Spacecraft Orbiting The Moon Was Found By NASA.

It never ceases to amaze me what NASA can discover about our planet and the universe. For instance, most recently NASA discovered a spacecraft orbiting the moon. I guess this isn’t some monumental find, but the way they did this…

The Self-destructive Tendencies Of Modern Man, Through 21 Sketches.

John Holcroft is a well-known British illustrator working for the BBC, Reader’s Digest, The Guardian and the Financial Times.