This Is What Advertising Would Look Like If Corporations Actually Told The Truth.

Corporations use our associative memory to hide their truth. Associative memory works by connecting two events together; for example, connecting a song to one of our memories. Corporations use their advertising schemes to mislead us.

Studies Show That Avocados Have the Potential to Fight Cancer.

Avocados are nutrient-rich superfoods, but I guess you already knew that. And not only is the avocado nutritious, but it also has cancer-fighting qualities as well.

Deal-Break Fascinating Image Test: What Do You See First In Each Picture Will Reveal A Lot About Your Life And Personality

It’s always interesting to take a personality test, even if what it reveals is not something you really want to be told. This is a very simple image test. Just look at the pictures and note down which part you…

30 Sketches That Show That Happiness Lies in Small Things in Life.

Even the everyday small things are beginning to look quite pleasant when they involve people who love you.

Only Smart Enough People Can Pass This Hit-The-Dot Test. Can You?

A dot test like this could actively improve your brain power. Due to the everyday duties of our life, parts of our brain can become a little unused.

Chris Wark said NO to Chemo! Here’s why!

When Chris Wark was diagnosed with Cancer, he was petrified. I am sure we all would be if this happened to us. As usual, his doctor suggested chemotherapy. He gave Chris the speech about what would and wouldn’t happen during…

Once You Learn These 7 Harsh Realities Of Life, You’ll Be Much Stronger

This is what the most powerful people know. When times get tough, the strongest people strap on their own armor, mount that white horse and come to their own rescue. Because they know that if anyone is going to save…

8 Hobbies That Will Boost Your Intelligence.

There was a time when people believed that one is born with a certain intelligence that it is God’s gift and you’re stuck with your average or above average status for life. However, it has now been proved that by…