People around the world die every day from starvation. Wealthier countries waste food with increasing numbers. This is not a guilt trip it’s reality.
Once You Learn These 9 Lessons From Confucius, Your Priorities In Life Will Completely Change.
Confucius is a prominent figure in Chinese history, being famous as a revolutionary thinker. Many of his philosophies are taught to date. He was the one who expounded ‘ The Golden Rule’: “Do not do to others what you do…
This Is What Happens If You Smoke Cannabis Every Week as a Teenager.
According to new research, teenagers who smoke cannabis every week face the risk of grave psychiatric problems and long-term cognitive issues.
This Soul-Crushing Video of a Starving Polar Bear Reminds Us Global Warming Is Destroying Wildlife.
Recently a video has surfaced on the internet of a starving polar bear looking for food around the dry land. The video is from Canada’s Baffin Islands.
5 Polite Phrases That Will Disarm Rude People Instantly
When people are rude to you, it’s obviously extremely hard not to be offended or angry about it. The immediate reaction always is to respond harshly. However, it’s better to deal with the rudeness in a positive way without losing…
3 Types Of Love Making That Encourage A Positive Relationship With Sexuality.
Sex is the one and only way of producing our young ones to continue our race. Each and every living creature does it just to stay in this race. But there are many types of love making which we can…
Celebrities Send Messages Of Support To Bullied Tennessee Student.
Celebrities, actors and many others formed a protective shield around a young student, Keaton Jones who is a victim of bullying in his school.
Artist Makes Drawings Inspired by Her Everyday Life for 100 Days Challenge.
Amanda Oleander is a talented artist from Los Angeles and drawing was always a passion for her. She gets her inspiration mostly from her relationship and the relationships from people close to her.