Every Person Belongs In ONE Of These Dharma Types, Which Type Are You?

The world goes round for everybody, but knowing which Dharma Type you are can help you find your path in life! Every single person belongs to one of these five dharma types, which do you belong to?  

What State Should You Move To Based On Your Personality?

The 50 states of USA are all beautiful, but which state suit you best base on your personality??

A Psychologist Believes There Are Only Four Types Of Personality. Which One Do You Have?

Dr. Carol Ritberger, an internationally recognized expert on human behavior believes that every person in the world has one of four types of personality: red, orange, yellow or green. Each one has its own peculiarities.

A Woman Photographed Ancient Trees for 14 Years, and Here Are the Results

Earth has many wonderful, inexplicable, alluring things to offer. Like the proverbial cherry on the cake, Earth has also shown us all things magical. Proof of that are these photos of ancient trees, from all over the world. This series…

Talking To Your Pets And Naming Your Car Are Signs Of Intelligence (According To Science)

Okay so we all have conversations with our pets, right? Who doesn’t greet their furry companion every time they come back home and have a small chat with them? Also, isn’t it normal to have a name for your car?…

Studies Show What Happens To The Human Body When We Walk Barefoot On Earth

Grounding or ‘earthing’we call the act of bringing your feet into direct contact with the ground, without any kind of footwear in between. There are many studies which show us what happens to our bodies when we walk barefoot. Not wearing…

40-Ton Whale Was Just Filmed Jumping Completely Out Of The Water, And This Incredible Video Is Going Viral.

It’s common knowledge that Humpback whales can grow to a colossal size but not many know exactly how big they can get. They usually weigh in at about 80,000 pounds which is equal the weight of 40 adult elephants.

If You’ve Experienced Any Of These 30 Signs You Were Born To Be A Spiritual Healer

A spiritual healer works as a medium to heal others through the flow of spiritual energy, for the well-being of people who are in need. Though you are here to help others for a positive change, you often suffer for…