9 Proven Ways To Fix The Hormones That Control Your Weight

How much you weigh depends on your hormones because they shape how much you eat and the amount of fat that your body retains. You can positively affect these hormones by making some simple changes to your lifestyle.

After 24 Years Of Marriage, Ice Cube Offers Advice On How To Have A Successful Marriage

Fame and fidelity don’t seem to go together much, or so we thought. But famous rapper Ice Cube has proven this statement false. He has been married to his wife, Kimberly Woodruff for the last 25 years and the love…

7 Pieces of Bad Relationship Advice You Should Never Follow

Advice is never accurate because everyone’s context is different. Ask any two people about the same situation and their advice might not even be the same even though both of them are intelligent and what not When it comes to…

Emma Watson’s Boobs Prove Why We Still Need Feminism

Emma Watson has been a staunch supporter and promoter of feminism and equality for all long before she was appointed as the UN Women’s Goodwill Ambassador. Over time she has done many things to support the cause of her worldwide…

He Caught His Daughter Lying Bare Naked Next To a Stranger. His Reaction? Best Dad EVER!

One of the purest bonds ever shared is the one between kids and their parents. Not that it needed evidence, but one particular incident shared by a Russian father described it even more. This Russian Father shared an incident that…

Jim Carrey’s Explanation of Depression Will Take Your Breath Away.

Jim Carrey went through those dark nights of sadness and depression and came out with a lot of knowledge. Each time he opens his mouth about any trivial issue, people have a clearer vision of that matter and their jaw…

According to Research, This Type of Man Is the Best Lover.

When you are really into one woman and want to find out what can be the greatest turn on for her, apparent talking is not the best option. In a country like India, where women’s choices about sex hardly matter,…

14 Quotes From Fight Club To Completely Change Your Perspective On Life

Fight Club is a classic movie, that looks to be, until today, highly on topic while it manages to stay in the heart and mind of the viewer.