A School Principal in Singapore Sent This Letter to the Parents Before the Exams

This inspiring letter went viral on Reddit because the principal tries to motivate the parents to think outside the box in the best way.

Why Wasting Time Is Important For Your Psychological Well-Being?

The way we are making our lives revolve around our work, we might never reach the end of our checklist. It seems there is always some work to be done, another task to be accomplished. We feel positively guilty about…

According to Scientists, the More You Hang Out with Mom, the Longer She’ll Live

Who doesn’t like to hang out with their grandparents! You are fed till you burst and pampered in exactly the same way as when you were six years old. They would actually appreciate if you just spend the whole day…

Sorry, But Your Husband’s Most Disgusting Habit Is Helping You Live Longer

Many habits of your husband prove to be irritating and often disappointing. Without your knowledge, he is helping to build up a better immune system for you. A Scientific research shows this shocking but amazing truth.

A Psychologist Explains the Best Way to Rewire Your Brain to Let Go of Negative Thoughts

It is sufficiently proven that a positive outlook always leads to a more fulfilling life. The trouble is, how does one think positively when you’re consistently hung up on the negatives?

The Best Marriage Advice From A Divorced Woman

I am a woman who received a divorce after 7 years of marriage. Through these seven years and the result afterward, I understood certain facts which are important to keep a marriage alive.

Scientists Say That Being Forgetful Is Actually A Sign Of Higher Intelligence

We all had that classmate who could always memorize everything at the first flip of the textbook while we slogged over history dates and chemical reactions. We have envied them without fail and secretly harbored the conviction that they are…

8 Phrases You Should NEVER Use When Talking to Children, Psychologists Warn

The parents are a child’s first teacher. They stay with you most of the time and you are the ones who influence them the most. It might not be very evident but physical features aren’t the only similarities that children…