Even if you are an animal lover, you may have encountered only a few of the 1,367,555 species found on Earth. But do not let this disturb you. Think of all the interesting creatures that have not yet been discovered!…
13 Girly Things That Men Love But Never Tell You About it Openly
In a world where societal gender norms are being challenged every day, there are still quite a few men who will deny that they actually like doing some things they say are too ‘girly’ for real men to do.
12 Things That Men Find Unattractive In A Woman
Spoiler alert: This is going to be mildly sexist. Sorry about that. Everyone has preferences that arise out of societal conditioning and romantic relationships are no exceptions when it comes to things people apply those preferences too.
7 Ways To Quiet The Negative Voices in Your Teenager’s Head
During adolescence, you’ll notice changes in the way your child interacts with family, friends, and peers. Every teenager social and emotional development is different.
The 8 Signs Of Highly Miserable People.
To be honest I think miserable people exist, but it looks like there are not as many as we thought. There are so many reasons why someone can have a miserable and isolating life, however, it is our choice not…
What Neuroscience Tells Us About Being in Love
Love is an extremely powerful and enigmatic emotion. Science can never logically summarize its profound significance.
6 Simple Exercises to Sculpt an Hourglass Figure
Every woman, no matter who she is or where she’s from, would love to have that shape which ensures that she turns head wherever she goes. It’s that shape with all those delicious curves that looks wonderful whenever you wear…
Internet Trolls Are Narcissists, Psychopaths, And Sadists
A study published in an issue of Personality and Individual Differences confirmed that Internet trolls are absolutely terrible people.