What Happens When Positive Thinking Fails Us.

“Just smile and be happy!” We hear these words so much from friends with good intentions. But truth be told, as far as I am concerned, these words are irritating. I have grown to hate these words sometimes, hate them with…

This Is How Your Body Responds To Love.

Falling in love is exciting while breaking up can be unbearable. Most of us have experienced both of these events in our lives. But have you ever wondered what happens in the brain when you go through these changes? Well,…

The Psychology Of Temptation.

Are you tempted by something right now? I bet a day doesn’t go by that you aren’t wishing to acquire something you do not have. After all, we are human, and it’s only natural to covet some glorious thing-like food,…

Are Alter Egos A Product Of Bipolar Disorder?

Halloween isn’t the only time we appear to be someone we’re not. All during the year, alter egos are born and bred into full-fledged personalities. They cavort around causing mischief, or maybe they become heroes to the more introverted parts…

The Anxiety Chart I Made to Help Others Understand My Anxiety

In a world where mental illness is still a bit of a taboo, it is quite a challenge for people who suffer from anxiety to get through everyday life without judgment.

8 Early Warning Signs Your Blood Sugar Is SUPER High

People are usually ignorant about their blood sugar unless they have been diagnosed with diabetes. Sometimes, just because a person doesn’t have a history of diabetes in the family, they feel they do not have to worry about their diet…

The Girl Who Lived in a Plastic Bucket: Rahma Haruna’s Extraordinary Tale of Hope and Grit Against All Odds

Life is unfair to most people in different ways. Some might be complaining about their job, while someone else can’t have enough of bitching about their parents. You get the drift.

20 Kids’ Drawings Mom Won’t Be Hanging On The Fridge Anytime Soon

Children’s minds are like tabula rasa; highly imaginative and highly creative when it comes to articulating what they see in their daily lives. This is because they aren’t so easily distracted.