Secret Penguin Kingdom Found Thanks To Images From Space

Scientific Reports, a journal that is published by NASA recently published a story about finding a secret penguin kingdom in Antarctica. The journal states how the orbiting satellite found guano, penguin poop. The kingdom is near the northern end of…

E-Cigarettes Found To Have 10 times More Cancer Causing Ingredients Than Regular Cigarettes

Although people use e-cigarettes to stop consuming the nicotine from tobacco, a research shows that they have ten times more cancer causing ingredients than regular cigarettes. Quite surprisingly, the FDA hasn’t mentioned anything as such and hasn’t conducted any tests on…

This Test Will Determine Whether You Have Superior General Knowledge

Do you feel that you have superior general knowledge than the people around you? Well, that might very well be the case. There are tests all around the world that determine the intellect of a human.

This Small Canadian Town Will Give Land & Job To Anyone Willing To Move There

Ever felt like the urban space isn’t your cup of tea? The ever-encroaching corporate sector eating up every last bit of peace and serenity with their big factories churning out pollution every hour, might not be the place for you…

These 40 Colorized Photos From The Past Will Blow You Away.

Adding colors considered by many experts of photography a clumsy, amateur intervention, but in the digital age, the tendency to add colors in old black and white photos are more popular than ever.

Lose Your Temper, Save Your Relationship!

Relationships can be complicated, and if you’re old enough, you have experienced many examples of this. For instance, relationships require quality time, trust and an ample amount of affection. I guess this goes without say, huh? But there are other…

5 Cannabis Research Findings That Should’ve Been On The Front Page

Science is beginning to prove how cannabis assists and benefits human health. Primarily published in journals and magazines, most of them are prohibited from reaching the audience through mainstream news and media.

What Is Narcolepsy, Symptoms & Causes.

Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder characterized by excessive sleepiness, sleep paralysis, hallucinations, and in some cases episodes of cataplexy. This disorder can also affect many aspects of people’s life.