Husband’s Sketches Of Wife And Kids Are Full Of Love And Raw Emotion

Michigan artist, Curtis Wiklund, and his wife have been married for about eight years and they are going to be parents to a baby girl soon. Curtis has been sketching moments from their lives on paper for about four years…

Khalik Allah: The Photographer of Harlem’s Streets.

Since 2012, the photographer and filmmaker Khalik Allah is taking photographs of people from New York Harlem.

Drink Water On Empty Stomach Immediately After Waking Up

Whenever you get a health scare, no matter which part of your body is having trouble- the first advice by your physician would be to drink more water. Every health addict seems to be obsessed with water and there’s a…

Man Posts Online After Finding An Elderly Veteran Crying In The Bathroom

We all complain how the world is increasingly becoming a cold and distant place; where every man is on his own and even blood relations have ceased having any meaning for people. But the problems that we complain about, are…

24 Amazing Random Acts Of Kindness That Will Move You.

If you are wondering if there are people with a pure heart in this world, take a look at these photos with 24 amazing random acts of kindness from the true heroes of our society.

The Real Key To The Lasting Relationship

Falling in love is easy. Staying in love, on the other hand, takes a little more work-it takes a lot of work, actually. In order to retain and strengthen love, there is a recipe, a concoction rather, that seals and…

Conscious Sexuality – When Two People Connect With Their Souls

Everyone is in so much rush that casual sex is the new norm today. It is fast, it is easy and both the parties go back to their homes satisfied. A night well spent. And with the plethora of dating…

If You Hate The Sound Of People Chewing, Then You’re Probably A Genius

Some people abhor it. Imagine the scene. You are a family dinner gathering and the person beside you is chewing her food loud. Do you feel a certain irritation inside you? Do you feel like screaming and telling her to…