Hilarious Illustrations Show 6 Stages Of Sleeping With Your Partner

Sleeping with your beloved is one of the sweetest habits of a couple. But is not it just that? Occasionally, situations can be tricky and sleep with our other half escapes more adventurous than we thought. Jacob Andrews recorded the…

14 Signs of High Intelligence that Cannot Be Faked

We often confuse smart people with intelligent people. Somehow we think that people who score higher than us in exams are smarter than we are.

30+ Powerful Social Issue Ads Will Make You Think Twice

Among the many embarrassing advertisements we meet daily, there are some social issue ads that manage to get our attention. Whether because of their content or because it is the result of extraordinary inspiration and imagination.

12 Weirdest Japanese Game Shows That Actually Exist

Anybody who has seen on the dark side of the Internet knows that Japan has some seriously bizarre things to offer. Japanese game shows are no exception.

Psychologists Explain Why You Should Be Friends With People Who Swear A Lot

We all know that one person who swears a lot. And even though some people might consider it as ‘inappropriate’, scientists have actually claimed that foul-mouthed people are smarter than most people around them. Yes, people who swear indeed seem to be a…

Brazilian Artist Beautifully Illustrates The Love Story Of Icarus And The Sun, Inspired By A Greek Myth

Artist from Brazil Gabriel Piccolo illustrated a love story that is beautiful and sad. It’s the love story of Icarus and the Sun, inspired by the famous Greek myth about a man who flew – with wings made from feathers…

These 5 Men Have Transformed Their Bodies After the Age of 50 and Prove Age Is Just a Number

Aging is a natural process. And growing old is an inevitable part of life. However – on the contrary, belief – aging does not stop you from being agile and active. It is definitely not a hurdle or an anchor…

Powerful Contradictory Illustrations Telling The Truth About People And Society

The most black spots of modern reality that define life on the planet Earth, given through these contradictory illustrations that put us in thoughts and depict today’s society with a bitter dose of truth.