53 Year Old With Down Syndrome Reunites With His Father And Is The Best Thing In The World

A child’s first idea about adulthood and being functional comes from its father. A father symbolizes authority and power, but at the same time, a kind of strong love, and presence that promises the child security and stability.

New Study Says A Glass Of Wine Before Bed Helps You Lose Weight

No, I’m not asking you to lose control everyday neither am I saying wine is the new elixir because it is most definitely not. Then? What does the title indicate? Well, the latest research has concluded that a little glass…

Little Baby Doesn’t Let Go Of Mother, Minutes After Being Born

The mother and the little baby is an icon of a pair. It is the tangible representation of the miracle of life. Creating and bringing a new life in the world and nurturing it has always had a primal appeal…

5 Amazing Comebacks To Deal With Offensive People

It’s horrible when one has to confront offensive people and no matter what, nobody can escape such encounters. But there are always ways to get around such people.

This 350 Feet Waterfall Flows From a Skyscraper In China

In Guiyang, China, there is a massive skyscraper of 400 feet. The site of the tower is enhanced by the presence of an equally attractive 350 feet waterfall that flows across its sides. This incredible waterfall has been designed in…

Ashton Kutcher Saves 6,000 Victims of Trafficking And They All Had One Thing in Common!

We all know who Ashton Kutcher is, especially because of his famous shows and movies. But did you also know that besides being a famous actor, he’s also a social worker? His contribution in retrieving victims of human trafficking is…

Science Research Says Singing Regularly Benefits Your Health And Life

Undeniably, music is one of the most beautiful things in life which can gratify our soul from zero to infinite.

Here Is Why You Should Want Your Lover To Be Your Best Friend

If you want true love and intimacy, then you’ll have to share more than just your body with your lover. It requires you to share your emotions, your soul and spirit with your partner. That’s when you’re really into a…