Funniest Signs Are Covering the Streets of Colorado and Someone Is Coming up with New Ones Every Week

Are you out of jokes to make your friends laugh? Scratching your head and trying to get some kind of clever pun to pop up just doesn’t help. It’s called a joke block. Happens to the best of us. All…

Australian Firefighters Pose Topless With Animals For 2019 Charity Calendar

Started in 1993 to support Children’s Hospital Foundation, Australian Firefighters Calendar stands for the required charity activities in the world. With the recent release of the calendar for the year 2019, we have the Australian

Owner Suprised By Golden Retriever Who Saved The Life Of A Baby Koala

Recently, Kerry McKinnon was caught off guard one morning when her golden retriever, Asha came home with something on her head that seemed to be moving a little.

Bullying a Plant Brings Out Astonishing Results That Will Make You Think

A bit of empathy can do a lot for the world. We have read about the tragic effects that happen when little kids get bullied in school. Maybe someone among us has faced bullying when they were kids. It’s really…

Man Explains Women’s Rage Today Using Nut Kicking Analogy For Men’s Understanding

A.R. Moxon, the author, took it upon himself to start an exercise for men to understand the concept of empathy, on lines of gender. He decided to articulate women’s experiences in terms of sexual and physical violence and reconstruct it…

A Malnourished Husky Saved By a Kind Soul Who Brings Her Home

Are you a cat person or a dog person? Whichever you may be, I’m sure you love animals and would love to take good care of them if you had the chance. Animals are our best friends. But in many…

To All Women Who Don’t Want To Get Married

Sometimes I feel like I’m going insane when I scroll through Facebook. Seeing the endless status updates of friends getting married or having babies is tiresome. I mean, I’m happy for them, and it’s great that they’ve found love, but…

Look Inside This National Geographic Magazine to Know the Horrifying Truth Behind It

In a recent campaign initiated by a National Geographic magazine, shocking news has been revealed about our environment. The campaign named Planet or Plastic? is an awareness drive towards recognizing the damage caused due to overuse of plastic.