Seven Things You Should Learn Never Talk About

Material wealth has truly changed shapes in the recent past: even in our parents’ time, land and the concrete stable property was the way to go, and paychecks used to arrive as themselves, pieces of paper with a number and…

With The Worlds First Floating Tent You Can Live in Nature Forever

You have been in camping sites at school. It’s quite an adventure but as humans, we always desire something more. And that’s probably the beauty of our intelligence – we get what we want. Smithfly, an Ohio based company has…

These 5 Warnings Will Help You Spot Psychopaths

Hollywood is famous for bringing different kinds of psychopaths on screen. They bring a whole new creep-level in any movie. That uncanny gaze, lack of any human emotion and the way they can harm someone without flinching – they are…

20+ Truly Amazing Wildlife Photos of 2018

Photography is truly one of the most underrated of arts, and this can be proved by some wildlife photos of 2018 that was showcased at the Wildlife Photography Awards at London.

Instructor Telling A Student It’s OK To Cry Is A Lesson Not Taught In Any School

Life is full of ups and downs and there’s nothing you can do to avoid that. There will be times when you will get hurt, be it mentally or physically. The one thing you have control over is deciding how…

How to Use a Tennis Ball to Relieve Lower Back And Sciatica Pain

You might think that back pain is a rare occurrence and only happens to people once they are of a certain age but you would be surprised. Studies show that 16 out of 20 people suffer from these issues and…

Negative Thoughts Can Rot an Apple Faster – Imagine What They Can Do To Your Body.

Thoughts shape how our lives will turn out to be. That’s not something new. We know this, and we have experienced it probably. Negative thoughts have just made us see the bad in everything, even where no bad existed. It’s…

Creative People Have 90% Chance To Suffer From Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder And Depression.

The research conducted at the King’s College, London suggests that the creative people are prone to mental disorders like- schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression. All of us knew beforehand that the brains of creative people function in an altogether different…