It is now regular knowledge that a common ancestor of apes and man, a certain medium-sized canopy dweller called Pierolapithecus invented the use of tools, about 12-13 million years ago.
7 Ways To Tell If Someone Is Jealous Of You And What To Do About It
One might not always know and understand but jealousy can potentially ruin lives. Sometimes, we are not even aware that someone might be jealous of us and this often leads to bigger problems than jealousy itself.
Studies Show That Babysitting Grandkids Increases Your Lifespan
We love our grandparents. After all, when our parents were busy with their work, they were the ones that came to us and told us all those interesting stories. They are a vital part of our lives. But have we…
Artist Turned 9 Heartbreaking Photographs Into Happy Art
Morshed Mishu from Bangladesh grew up admiring comic drawings. It was such an admiration that he decided to become an illustrator himself and indeed his reports to gain global attention.
8 Things That A Mature Man Will Never Do
Maturity never comes easy. There are a lot of factors that help an individual grow and become a mature person and these factors may be controllable or uncontrollable. Sometimes it takes a person a world of pain to get there…
Here Are the Top 20 Most Unbelievable Facts
The human body is a marvel of creation. It has gone through a lot of permutations and combinations, to go from our distant arboreal ancestors, the Pierolapithecus, to the top dominant species on the planet. The time it has taken…