Scientists Discover The Best Way To Get Fit And Live Longer Is Dancing

Has it ever happened to you that you decided to carry out several kinds of exercises, and then couldn’t stick to it for a long period of time? It must have. It happens with almost everyone in the world. With…

The Secret To Raise A Non-Materialistic Child In Today’s World

As society advances further and life becomes more convenient, people also become more materialistic and consumerist to match the trends. At the same time, we are now opposing materialism and it looks like younger generations are actually not very materialistic.…

4 Habits That Highly Successful People Always Avoid

The things you focus on the most will determine the trajectory of your life. Those who have achieved everything in the world are highly successful people who have way too much work to do to be bothered about the things…

Here’s Why Children In France Don’t Struggle With ADHD

Mental illness is a dicey thing all over the world right now. Given that awareness has risen, it would make you think that things have taken a turn for the good. But, it is not that sunny a picture, to…

These Are The 5 US Presidents Who Consulted Psychics

While the current US President seems to get most of his insights about the world for Fox News and Twitter, several of the US’s most respected Presidents are known to have benefitted from psychics.

Try to Massage These 6 Stress Points to Relax a Fussy or Crying Baby

A new-born baby is a delight to sore eyes. But it is very hard for them to cope in our world that is entirely new for them. They get fussy sometimes. It is hard for new parents to understand their…

If You Can Only Move Two Matches, What Is The Highest Possible Number?

Look at this image and figure out what is the highest possible number. LEAVE YOUR ANSWER IN THE COMMENTS BELOW AND CHECK THE POSSIBLE ANSWERS ON THE NEXT PAGE!

What Causes The Perfectionism Paradox And How To Get Over It

Growing up, my parents were what could be called organized. With four children they couldn’t afford practically any spontaneity. Besides being demanding with themselves, they were demanding with us. Getting straight A’s in school was the norm and almost went…