22 Heart-Warming Photos of Animals In Love That Will Make Your Day

Feelings of love and affection are not exclusive to human beings. Animals too understand and are capable of expressing similar emotions among themselves. Love for their partners or babies is intriguingly similar to that of humans. Their expressions are not…

This Is How The Right Person Will Fall In Love With You

What do you think life is? Is it the sunshine that pierces through the window every morning that gives you a glow for the time being? Or is it the acceptance of cold, storm, hurricane and heat, that leads us…

Some Say That A Finer Dog Video Had Never Been Made. What Do You Think?

Facebook might be many things, but lately, it has become one of the biggest stress-busters in my life. And no, like the case usually, people are not the reason there. The reasons rather are the cat and dog video strewn…

Understanding The Difference Between Laziness And Depression

Regardless of the awareness in recent years about depression, anxiety, BPD and other mental disorders, there is still a wide misconception about the symptoms of said disorders. Is the laziness and general, apathetic fatigue seizing depression patients their fault or…

This Is Why Height Difference Can Mean Happiness in Your Relationship

It’s no secret that a lot of women want their boyfriends to be taller than them. Wearing heels and not feeling like a giant might be one reason but now a study might have revealed the true scientific reason for…

Will I Ever Find Love? Here Are 12 Things You Need To Keep In Check

Love is one of the trickiest things in the world. It happens so many times that we think we have found the right person, but actually end up alone again. Still, all is not lost and people hold on to…

Mom Survey Says Having Exactly 3 Kids Is The Most Stressful For Parents

Children are one of the most beautiful things in the world, but the added load they bring with them is immense. And even environmentally speaking, children are not that healthy a lifestyle choice, given the number of resources required to…

Photographer Discovers A Mice Family In His Garden And Built An Amazing Miniature Village For Them

What would you do if you see a mouse running around in your house? Maybe you’d freak out or maybe you’d set a trap. You may also be enthralled to see it or maybe you’d simply not care.