People with a high IQ may have more success in typical terms in life: better jobs, education, and a social circle. Yet, it is a fact that it is harder to intelligent people to experience happiness. Why does this happen?…
Rare Black Apples Sell For More Than $20 Each But Farmers Refuse To Plant Them
It is true, although a bit hard to believe! There exists a rare kind of fruit which is much sought after. Or to be more correct, an exotic variant of a common fruit. But for some reasons, farmers refuse to…
Artist Transforms Famous Cartoon Characters Into Beautiful Women
An illustrator from the United States of America, Isabelle Staub transforms famous cartoon characters into stunning women. Every character that she creates is quite a time involving process since these drawings practically need to be drawn from scratch, other than…
13 Heart-Warming Comics Show Why It Is Important To Rescue A Shelter Dog
Adopting an animal is no small feat. The animal that you adopt will have their life changed forever as well as change yours for the better. An artist from Russia, Bird Born has illustrated the story of the dog which…
8 Unusual Houses Where People Comfortably Live
What is the perfect house? Is it one on wood poles? Is it one which is nestled in the woods? Or one that is Victorian? Or one that has all the modern amenities? Well, the concept of perfection is subjective…
Stay Single Until You Meet A Guy With These 13 Qualities
Remember Rachel telling Ross, “You were worth the wait. And I don’t just mean today.” That’s what soulmates are all about. They imbibe certain qualities that make them worth your time alone
30 Awesome Responses To The #Trashtag Challenge
Social media started quite recently but it grew fast. It went from Facebook to Instagram to Twitter, and soon, social media became an important part of our lives. With the growth of social media came hashtag challenges. These challenges became…