30 Honest ‘Story Of My Life’ Book Covers That Have Gone Viral

We all love to believe that we are unique and one of a kind. To some extent, we are. But, there are situations that occur in everyone’s life that makes it relatable to people around them. And while that may…

Ukrainian Artist Removes Makeup From Dolls And Repaints Them To Look More Natural

The Barbie doll is one of the world’s largest selling toys, selling units by millions all over the world. Till very recently in history, however, the doll came only in skin coloration and one iteration: the rosy-cheeked slim White blonde…

LEGO Launches Its First-Ever Sustainable Collection Made Of Sugarcane

As the earth reaches the middle point of its stock of fossil fuels and their by-products, a significant number of manufacturing organizations have realized the need to shift to more environmentally friendly manufacturing processes. So they create products through processes…

Heartbreaking Video Of Orangutan Trying To Fight Off Excavator That Is Destroying His Home

How long are we going destroy the lives of animals? After a while, our own conscience should be cursing us for the things we do. Ironically, there are countless NGOs like the International Animal Rescue working overtime to ensure the…

These People Hilarious React To The Petition To Sell Montana To Canada For One Trillion Dollars

It is definitely nothing unknown that petitions can sometimes change the world for some people or for a lot of people. The majority of us usually scoff and shrug when we witness an individual circulate a rally for signs on…

Do You Get Goosebumps From Music? You Might Have Unique Brain

Music influences us in different ways. The immediate reaction to a piece is physical. But to some, music evokes a lot more. The emotions felt are deeper and more intense, so much so that the listener begins to empathize with…

Pictures That Show The Reality Behind Social Media Profiles

Your social media profiles are like your online CV and everyone is free to judge it according to their will like as if they’re paying you for it.

Street Artist Leaves His Paintings For People To Find After Getting Rejected By Art Galleries

People all around are blessed with talents that often go unrecognized because of some unfortunate situations. On the other hand, there are people who judge things based on a first impression. One such case of initial rejection to recognition is…