“If you knew the magnificence of the 3 6 and 9 you would have a key to the universe!” ~ Nikola Tesla.
Nikola Tesla is a legend. His many mysterious experiments included a few mysteries surrounding him. Geniuses are known to have specific obsessions, which lead them to become passionate about their work. Nikola Tesla was one of them. He cleaned his plates with eighteen napkins, lived in hotels where room numbers could be divided by 3.
And once he repeatedly walked around a building before entering it. His calculations were based on his environment and also the fact that they were divisible by 3. He did things only in sets of 3 – which compelled many to believe that he was either superstitious or suffered from OCD. He not only obsessed with numbers but specifically 3 6 and 9. Tesla calculated the planet’s nodal points to link them with these numbers.
What did Tesla want the world to know and understand?

Math is the universal law and language. 1 + 2 means 3 and that remains the same everywhere. Patterns occur in our Universe naturally and we have made discoveries of patterns in star formations, galaxies, evolutions and life. Some of the patterns include the Sacred Geometry and the Golden Ratio.

The pattern is the free energy secret key and Tesla was known to have mastered it.
The double of 1 is 2, double of 2 is 4, double of 4 is 8, double of 8 is 16. 16 means 1 + 6, which makes up 7. Double of 16 is 32, which breaks down to 3 + 2 and makes up 5. Double of 32 is 64, breaking into 6 + 4, equals to 10 and 1 + 0 is 1. Hence, we get the pattern as 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5, 1, 2 and so on. The reverse provides the same pattern and if you further analyze the system, the pattern does not include 3 6 and 9. They are free from the pattern.
But, if you double it, the result comes to 3 doubles to 6, double of 6 is 12, which forms 1 + 2 = 3. And the pattern does not include 9. So, 9 is free from both the types of patterns.
Double of 9 is 18 which breaks up to 1 + 8 = 9.
Symbol of Enlightenment
The Great Pyramid of Giza contains 3 larger Giza pyramids, placed in mirror position that to the Orion’s Belt stars. There are 3 smaller sized pyramids placed far from the larger ones. Nature makes use of the symmetry of three and six folds, inclusive of the hexagonal honeycomb shape. The shapes are part of the sacred architecture.

There might be possibilities that Tesla had uncovered this secret of sacred architecture and made use of the same in technology and science.
Gerardo Lozano …. te hablan
Lehlohonolo Motikoe
Joyce Chandler
Omega 3, 6, 9 fatty acids?
I prefer James Clerk Maxwell.
Lauren N Els
You mentioned 32 is 5 and 64 is 10 but also the double of 7 is 14 which is 5 and the double of 5 is 10. That completes the circle better than 32 and 64.
It looks like the enneagram.
Didn’t seem legit enough….
You know the amazing thing is that I have been thinking about numbers 3,6 and 9 since I was 22 before I came across this article. It is amazing how I thought about this. I always thought 3, 6 and 9 never come up in the combination of numbers and they are also the only numbers you are left with when added together in any way or direction. What amazes me is that I have been thinking about this all the time. Numbers will keep fly about in my brain adding them and thinking why they are so special. I think 3, 6 and 9 hold the key to life and not only the universe. Maybe there is a different method of using these numbers to maybe open something in the universe.
You are exactly right and it will be coming to your planet soon.
It looks like the V with a W right under it on the forrest green 1965 VW trucks with fold down wings. I had one of those trucks once but it was listed as a 1963 on the pink slip. I don’t know why that happened but when I went to sell it, found out that it was really a 1965. She was a beauty though.
“Your planet”? And what will be coming? The only thing I know is that E.T.I has things here which they want back.
Why not 4.Lol
What do you mean by your question?
If you did the same with hexadecimal, you’d get the following:
1 2 4 8
3 6 c 9
5 a 5
7 e d b
What things would that be?