Removing grease stains can be notoriously challenging. Often, if the stained garment isn’t a recent purchase or a treasured item, we might simply dispose of it. However, when it’s something we’re particularly fond of, we go to great lengths to restore it to its former glory and enjoy wearing it once more.
An effective solution for tackling grease stains is the use of Dawn Platinum Erasing Dish Foam.
This choice is logical; if the foam is designed to break down grease on dishes, it stands to reason it would be just as effective on clothing.

The application process is simple and straightforward. Apply the foam directly onto the stain, allow it to sit for at least five minutes, and then proceed to wash the item as you normally would, using your regular laundry detergent. For particularly stubborn stains, you may need to repeat the procedure.
What makes this technique stand out is its versatility across different types of fabric, such as cotton, denim, and polyester, and its effectiveness on stains that have set in over time.

Should you consider using this method on more delicate materials, it’s wise to perform a spot test first to ensure the fabric remains unharmed.
This tip could be a game-changer in your laundry routine, saving you both time and frustration, particularly if laundry isn’t your favorite chore.