We use vinegar everyday widely as an ingredient for cooking or food preservation. Apple cider vinegar is one of the most common types, that can be found in every home.
Many people consider this product as an “old-school remedy” used in more traditional settings, recent medical studies focus on its medical advantages, and they are spectacular. These are some of the reasons you should start using it more and especially in the morning.
Good for your health
First, apple cider vinegar has a positive effect on high blood sugar levels. This is the most significant benefit of the product: a survey proved that using apple cider vinegar together with high-carb meals lowered the level of blood sugar glucose from 19 to 34%.
Second, it makes you feel full and thus contributes to weight loss, as you feel the need to eat less.
Third, it lowers the chances of heart disease; vinegar affects the type of cholesterol named LDL cholesterol, which is a high-risk factor for cardiovascular problems. In China, there is a study trying to find what are the effects on cancer, and more specifically esophageal cancer.
Apple Cider Vinegar Kills Bacteria
Fourth, apple cider vinegar has the benefit of killing unhealthy bacteria; this is the reason that we use it to preserve food, but also it can have the safe effect on the human body.
In addition, apple cider vinegar can kill the germs that cause a sore throat, and can help tackle problems of indigestion: if you make a vinegar concoction, by mixing a teaspoon of vinegar and a teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm water, and drink it half an hour before each meal, you will see miracles in your ability to digest.
Beauty recipe
Also, it can eliminate dandruff; simply make a solution of 1/4 cup of vinegar and 1/4 cup of water. Spray it on the scalp, wrap your head in a towel from between 15 minutes and an hour, and your scalp skin will thank you.
Finally, apple cider vinegar can be beneficial for the acne: its anti-bacterial qualities and specifically its lactic acid can help exfoliate the skin and balance its pH, thus eliminating acne on the face.