Most people experience a problem when they try to communicate in a foreign language. Sometimes it is funny, others just embarrassing and sometimes disastrous. A new translation device that fits in the ear, is here to leave this problem in the past.
The device is called Pilot and the company behind this extremely simple, but original idea, it’s the Waverly Labs. Pilot will be placed on the market in September and will allow someone to understand one of the basic languages in real-time.
The easy-to-use application allows you to select the language you want and includes the following languages: French, Spanish, Italian and English. The device includes two handsets that fit easily in your ears.

The creator said the idea came when he met a girl from France. See the video below how it works in practice:
By James Red, Truth Inside Of You.
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So now people will go completely lazy.
They’ve done away with reading, writing and math, and now they’ll do away even with learning another language!
What’s next on the chopping block?
How does it allow you to reply back when the other person isn’t wearing one?
I’m actually not happy about this because my son is a Japanese language major and after college hopes to get a job using his skill with the language. I guess technology continues to make jobs obsolete.